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Nurse Georgi and Nurse Danni's Guide To Anti-Wrinkle Treatments

Writer's picture: Nurse Georgi and DanniNurse Georgi and Danni

The ageing process makes itself known in our skin far earlier than we’d like to believe. During our 20s, collagen production decreases. Collagen is essential for skin laxity, firmness and plumpness. This continues into our 30s. This reduction in collagen leads to the appearance of wrinkles particularly in expressive areas. If your wondering if its time for you to have anti-wrinkle treatment, then read this guide for all the answers! What are anti-wrinkle injections? Anti-wrinkle injections are a line softening treatment that use a medically regulated Botulinum Toxin to target expressive areas. Anti-wrinkle treatments are the most popular aesthetic treatment worldwide, with over 6 million treatments being carried out every year. Botulinum Toxin itself is the most expensive substance EVER made and £100 trillion per kilo. How do anti-wrinkle injections work? Fine lines and wrinkles appear in expressive areas of the face during periods of expression and movement. Because the skin has thinned with age, certain expression and muscles contract to crease the surface, prematurely ageing us. Injecting this medical toxin into the over-expressive muscles relaxes them and stops them from moving as aggressively beneath the surface of the skin. In turn, the skin is creased less, and these fine lines are smoothed. When is the best time to start having anti-wrinkle treatment? This may come as a surprise but top plastic surgeons and dermatologists recommend starting treatment as early as your late 20s. Preventative treatment is more effective than leaving lines to become deep set. Which areas of the face do anti-wrinkle injections treat? Typically we treat the upper face with anti-wrinkle treatments. Frown lines, forehead lines, and crow’s feet are common areas of concern for clients that are seeking facial rejuvenation, and anti-wrinkle injections are exceptionally effective here. At Sorella we have perfected the brow lift technique and this can be offered as part of your anti-wrinkle treatment.

We also offer Lip Flip, Gummy Smile, Bunny Lines and Masseter reduction treatments.

How long does the treatment last?

For standard botox one treatment will last on average 4 months but this is dependant on the individual. For clients with deep set lines we recommend treatment every 3 months to properly treat these lines and prevent them becoming any deeper. On average we suggest clients should expect treatment 2-3 times per year.

If you decide to go for Alluzience then this is clinically proven to last 6 months.

What will happen during my treatment?

Firstly we will fully assess your entire face; including static and dynamic lines, any asymmetry and muscle strength. We will cleanse the treatment area with Clinisept and 'mark-up' the injection points. We will then proceed with the injections, followed by application of arnica gel.

A standard botox treatment can take 4-5 days to start working and full results can be expected in 14 days after treatment. Alluzience works in the first 3 days in most cases. We will invite you back for a review appointment after 14 days.

I would like to know more, what do I do next?

All you need to do is contact us via the website, instagram or facebook to be booked in for a face to face consultation. During this consultation with our Prescribing Nurse Georgi, will check that you are medically suitable for treatment and then continue with you prescription. We will then invite you back for your treatment.

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